We love to teach others how to country swing & country line dance; while using the proceeds from events to support charitable causes. ALL skill levels are welcome – come make new friends and become a part of the dance community! We are SO excited to dance with you!
Keep an eye on our page & Social Media for events ☆ group lessons ☆ private lessons ☆ Performances
Who We Are
Country KickUp is A 501c3 Nonprofit Organization ☆
We are a fundraising platform: focused on providing awareness and support for charitable causes in the community around us; through teaching country Swing & Line dancing. Our events & classes build up the community, help with personal development, & create connections on and off the dance floor.
Country KickUp’s Focus ☆ A Hardwood Heartbeat
Create a community for everyone & a place to connect with others
Providing a Platform to raise money for charitable causes
Find your voice & personality – uncovering your confidence as a dancer & Individual
Learn a new skill & make Memories
How we started
Country KickUp started out as a few swing dancing events focused on raising money for a missions trip to a girl’s rescue center in Kenya, Africa called Saruni International. One fundraiser turned into two, and then after a missions trip to Africa, the Director of Country KickUp realized there was a huge opportunity to make a difference in the local community, and CKU could serve more than one cause at a time. There was an opportunity to pour into people, teaching them how to dance and establish confidence; as well as giving the proceeds to charity. God has blessed Country KickUp with the opportunity to make a difference…all we had to do… was say yes to the dance.